Your worth is anchored in your mere existence.
LaQuanda McCoullum
Hi Everyone,
I'm the Founder of I Do 2 Me. Just wanted to give you some inside scoop on me. I am first and foremost a worth advocate. I have been divinely called qualified through life experience to speak to women who have felt less than worthy and inspire them to align their lives with God's Original Design.
Now I know you're asking yourself, "what in the world is a worth advocate?" well, I'm glad you asked! A worth advocate is Someone who serves as a reminder that Your worth is not hinged on the amount of money you make, the car you drive, how pretty you are, or how many degrees you have or don’t have. Your worth is hinged on the very fact that you were born. ​
In addition to being a worth advocate, I'm also an author, On Camera coach, and motivational speaker. I have worked with some of the most amazing and talented artists Philadelphia has to offer, as well as a few celebrities. Also, a show that I produced called On The Spectrum was nominated for an Emmy! (insert loud screams here.)
Connect with Me For
Event Host
Keynote Speaker
Unleash Your WOW Factor Workshops
On Camera Coaching Program (On Camera and Public Speaking Class)
Let me be the first to say, I didn't always think I was worth what I envisioned I should be. The grueling journey of self-discovery was the awakening I needed to rediscover who God created me to be, and now I am sharing my journey of liberation to help women align their lives with God's original design.